MiniProfiler + EfProf doesn't work

I am using MiniProfiler beta6 + MiniProfiler.EF6 beta 4 + EfProf 2.0.2233.0. When EFProf is active, MiniProfiler generates this error:

Unable to define EFProfiledDbProviderServices class of type ‘ProfiledDbProviderServices’. Please check that your web.config defines a section underneath.

MiniProfiler is trying to access the Instance field/property of class ProfiledDbProviderServices. What doesn´t exists.

MiniProfiler.EF6 uses the old interception method with reflection or the new Interception/Log API?

If using the old method, maybe you need to unwrap ProviderServices in loop, until find the real one. For example in MiniProfilerEF6, WrapProviderService method. If I register MiniProfiler first, it works. The problem is, EFProf by default register it using WebActivator, what happens first

Interesting. We would be happy to receive a Pull Request that would fix the problem for EfProf (keeping it working for non-EfProf as well, of course).

Its hard to use this forums (I cant reply at another post, cant post links, cant add image…)

I sent the pull request
