MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() does not render anything


I’m happily using Miniprofiler in my MVC 3 site for about a year now and until now everything worked great.

However since updating Miniprofiler to version 2.02, MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() just keeps rendering an empty string. I’ve already checked the following:

  • It’s not that MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() is missing - the line is executed, but it returns an empty MVCHtmlString
  • Miniprofiler is started when the request is authenticated
  • MiniProfiler.Current is not null when MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() is called
  • MiniProfiler.Current’s _active field is true when MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes is called.

I’ve also tried removing all traces of the miniprofiler from my project and re-adding it via NuGet, but the effect was exactly the same - MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes() does not render anything.

What could possibly be the problem?

