Using inside loops (foreach, etc)

Long story short, I’m a Java developer who’s been thrown a C# project because “it’s kinda similar, right?” as we’ve lost our sole C# developer. Never done C# before. This is probably a fairly basic question, I expect it’s something fairly basic about variable scopes that’s probably not directly MiniProfiler related.


I’m profiling a Razor template. It has several nested levels, roughly (pseudocode):

    var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current;
    var report = as IEnumerable<Question>;

    using (profiler.Step("Parent template"))
        foreach (Question question in report)
            using (profiler.Step("Question " + question.Id))
                foreach (Question subquestion in question)
                    using (profiler.Step("Subquestion " + subquestion.Id))

Only the top level works. Not the nested ones. I tried redeclaring var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current; with different variable names in each level, to no avail.

How would I do it?

After further testing, it works if I have an active breakpoint within that using block.
If I deactivate the breakpoint or remove it, and it doesn’t work. It does work if I give it the attribute to continue when hit, albeit this itself slows down execution but at least if gives me a scale of where the issues are.

are you sure that the profiles are not recording? or just not showing up in the UI because the intervals are so small? There is a setting that by default will hideTrivial time profiles from the UI, which might be what is happening here.

I would be surprised as I know the offending code was within one of these loops… Nevertheless it’s worth looking into, just in case. Thanks for the hint!