Getting JScript error on Sample.WebForms

I just downloaded SamSaffron-MiniProfiler-0375b2c and opened MiniProfiler.sln with Visual Studio 2010. I can run Sample.Console, but when I try Sample.WebForms, I get: a JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property ‘0’ of undefined or null reference.

The problem was on line 661 of includes.js?v=…, jQueryVersion is undefined and also jQuery is undefined.

What can I do to get this to work?


Get current version, unzip, start solution in Visual Studio, Make Sample.WebForms start up project. Run App.

Is this still the case with latest Mini Profiler? The UI was recently re-written.

I just tried it out (VS 2012, up to date chrome) and am not seeing any JS errors. @Larryk - can you try it with the current code on the new github site (you will have to Add Existing Project > Sample.Webforms)?

Is this an IE 8 issue?