How to group multiple calls to the same method

I’m new to the miniprofiler. I have

	using (method a)
		foreach(var v in collection)
			using (loop iteration)
				using (step a)
					//Do Something
				using (step b)
					//Do Something

Is there a way to see the timings of all step a grouped? In the normal otuput I see

step a: 34 ms
step b: 54 ms
step a: 34 ms
step b: 54 ms
step a: 34 ms
step b: 54 ms
step a: 34 ms
step b: 54 ms
step a: 34 ms
step b: 54 ms


Not at the moment, but I think we should add support for “light weight” grouped operations.

Years ago when I built profiling tools for altiris we had that and it was very handy.

I would also like to see this implemented, as diego specifies, giving a single result for “step a” and a single result for “step b”.

Is there any news on this? I want to group calls to the same class/method since its being used multiple places. Having its not grouped is just useless waste.