No SQL calls shown

Ruby 1.9.2p290, Rails 3.2.7, SQLite on Windows 7.

0.1.9 version of the rack-mini-profiler gem.

Shows load times but the SQL column is empty.

Any suggestions?

Bump… anybody have any ideas on this?

I have not tested on windows, but can you confirm you do not have the mysql or pg gem as well in your Gemfile?

Yes, I did have the pg gem. I removed it and now I can see the SQL queries. Thank you so much for this tool!

Sam, this issue happen same with me. I’m using mysql db and make sure have not pg or mysql in Gemfile. Ruby 1.8.7 Rails 2.3.14 mysql 2.8.1. I fixed issue after got your guides

Sam, that mean miniprofiler not working with mysql. I’m using mysql db and it’s happen same with me