How to enhance javascript UI in ruby gem


I edit rack-mini-profiler/lib/html/include.tmpl but the ui does not change in the browser.

Do I need to do something extra for google chrome besides clicking refresh?

I am successful at setting breakpoints in the ruby code using byebug.

Thanks for any pointers,


cd ~/src
git clone

cd ~/src/project
echo 'gem "rack-mini-profiler", :path => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/src/rack-mini-profiler/"' >> Gemfile
gem uninstall rack-mini-profiler
open 'http://localhost:3000/'
bundle exec rails s
# vi ~/src/rack-mini-profiler/lib/html/includes.tmpl
# control-c
rails s
# refresh browser

the mini-profiler does not change.
setting breakpoints using byebug do get triggered.

Cool. Tracked down my answer:

After editing the entry in the gem, delete the cached template from the local machine.

the template for the page are cached in the local store:

  1. Go into web console > resources > local storage
  2. Delete the entries that read: templates-<sha>